Even Germany could be considered insolvent if you assumed a sufficiently high interest rate. 如果假设利率足够高的话,甚至连德国也可能被视为破产。
A high interest rate environment is something that we have not seen for a long time. 大家已经有很久没有经历高利率环境了。
It was grossly unfair to demand such a high interest rate on the loan. 向贷款收取这么高的利息显然是不公平的。
After all, a high interest rate can be a symptom of a currency in distress. 总之,高利率是货币处在困境中的一个征兆。
Of course, a high interest rate was charged, the tenant could not repay his debt, and lost his own small plot of ground. 当然,利息低不了。佃户还不起债,就把自己那一小块地抵出去了。
If you overdraw your account without making arangements to do so you get charged a very high interest rate. 如果你未作安排而透支你的账户,你会被收取很高的利息率。
Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract short-term international fund, increasing the exchange rate of one's own currency. 在特定条件下,提高利率可以吸引国外短期资金,提高一国的外汇汇率。
Renewal would be taxed at a rate at least as high as the interest rate is negative. 更换新钞票将被课税税率至少要高到相当于负利率的水平。
The strength of the pound increases the possibility of high interest rate. 英镑的实力增加了高利率的可能性。
Since a portfolio of liquid privately issued 10-year bonds can be sold virtually at will, the portfolio is the equivalent of a very short-term asset that happens to exhibit high price and interest rate volatility. 既然一批具有流动性的、由私人发行的10年期债券随随便便就能卖掉,那么这批债券就与价格及利率极具波动性的短期资产无异。
Now that the price index continues to decline and the interest rate is not high after several interest rate cuts, it is time to work out implementation of strategic steps of interest rate reform. 物价指数继续下跌,在几次降息之后利率并不高,是时候制定利率改革的战略性步骤了。
High interest rate is killing small business. 高利率正在使许多小生意破产。
Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate. 将钱存入银行,无论利率再高几乎也不能保值。
The instalment payments hide a deceptively high interest rate. 分期付款隐藏着欺骗性的高利率。
Technical Debt is like a credit card that charges a high interest rate, just leaving the team with an outstanding balance cost. 技术债务就像信用卡一样,会有很高的利息率,就如同给团队留下了大量的帐务开销。
The high or low of interest rate reflects the basic condition of the macro-economical circulation, and its change will affect all the factors of the macro-economy, such as GDP, the price level, the employment level etc. 利率的高低,能反映一国宏观经济运行的基本状况,其变动又将影响所有宏观经济变量如国民生产总值、物价水平、就业水平等等。
Secondly, risks that come from loss of interest rate differentials due to the high interest rate of life insurance products, the low yield of responsibility deposits and inappropriate business expansions; 二是由于寿险产品预定利率偏高、责任准备金收益率偏低、盲目追求业务规模而造成的利差损风险;
After having revised the current models, this paper finds an selection effect come from the high interest rate and explains that this effect makes group lending successful. 本文对现有模型进行扩展后,证明了团体贷款下的高利率政策会产生一种遴选效果,从而导致团体贷款在高利率下走向成功。
On the base of theoretical knowledge and the interest in private finance, in this paper, we make a research on the high interest rate of private finance in China. 鉴于对民间金融的浓厚兴趣和长期以来积累的理论知识,本文对我国民间金融高利率现象进行研究。
On Some Problems of Determining the Crime of Relending at High Interest Rate 高利转贷罪认定中的几个问题
One is that high interest rate helps to mobilize domestic currency, encourage the public to deposit money, increase the amount of capital, reduce the demand for market commodities and restrain inflation. 其一,高利率有利于动员国内资金,鼓励公众积极储蓄,使资金供给增加,并减轻对市场商品的需求,有助于抑制通货膨胀。
Peasants'preferential choice of usury doesn't necessarily mean that they are foolish but that success rate is more important than high interest rate. 农民在求贷的途径选择上,优先选择“高利贷”,是因为求贷的成功率与高利息相比,成功率更为重要。
It is universally acknowledged by the financial circle that consumption credit yields high interest rate and net asset returns with scattered risks. 国际金融界普遍认为,消费信贷利率和净资产回报率高,且风险分散;
One of the major problems now and in the future is the high interest rate risk and low ability to diversify and transfer risks. 现实和潜在的最大问题之一表现为保险业较高的利率风险和较低的风险分散、风险转移的能力。
As the market environment changes, the high interest rate banks may bring prosperity gone, high-risk low-profit era will be the biggest reality of domestic banks. 随着市场环境的变化,银行高利差带来的繁荣可能&去不返,高风险微利时代将成为国内银行面临的最大现实。
Now most researches on the problem of private finance pay attention to the relationship between private finance and privately operated economy, but not to the phenomenon of high interest rate of private finance. 而当前关于民间金融问题的研究,大多沉湎于民间金融与民营经济发展之间的关系,对民间金融高利率现象给予较少的关注。
Designing a model to prove the life insurance companies would set a high pre-set interest rate to attract premiums and adopt high risk investment strategy without pre-set interest control. 4. 设定模型证明,在破产有限偿付责任和无保单预定利率管制的前提下,寿险公司采取高保单预定利率吸引保费,然后进行高风险投资的必然性。
Fourthly, the cost of financing is expensive, apart from the high rate of bank loans, the high cost of the middle, high private loan interest rate is also pushing up the small and micro businesses financing cost. 融资成本居高不下,除却偏高的银行贷款利率、奇高的中间费用,畸高的民间借贷利率也是推升小微企业融资成本帮凶。
Early microfinance refers to the credit loans which is with small amount, short-term, high interest rate and unsecured, targeting on low-income groups. 最早国际上的小额信贷是指贷款数额小、期限短、利率高、无担保的纯信用贷款,贷款对象主要是低收入企业主、广大农民、城市贫困人口。
The result shows that the interest rate risk of Chinese real estate enterprises is high, and using interest rate futures for hedging can effectively avoid interest rate risk of real estate enterprises. 结果表明我国房地产企业利率风险高,利用利率期货进行套期保值能有效规避房地产企业利率风险。